New format means new options: (1) take the bundle or (2) choose individual sessions

The Air Conditioning Clinic aka AC Clinic has been a staple for many new project managers, contractors, and design engineers in the HVAC industry. The AC Clinic began with Trane to help acclimate new professionals in the industry, but today's format is brand agnostic. While the 'new norm' has changed, the need for training has not. We understand the importance to meet your expectations in new ways that serve you best.
Option 1: Take the Bundle

Introducing AC Clinic version Fall 2020. ‘Day One’ of the typical format is being transformed into sessions you can complete over lunch from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm (including a Q&A portion). There are seven sessions, each completed session will provide 1 PDH credit. Classes run from November 4 – December 16. To purchase all seven classes for $250, click here:
Option 2: Choose Individual Sessions

Unable to commit to all seven sessions? No worries, sign up for individual classes that meet your needs or schedule for $50 per class. See the links and dates below:
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