Airflow within a building is critical to air quality, when removing contaminants, improving comfort for occupants, and controlling humidity. Increasing and improving airflow and ventilation doesn’t have to mean a surge in energy costs and consumption. The right design, technology, and application paired with the right equipment can not only pay for itself - it may be eligible for energy rebates and utility incentives, too!
Innovent, one of our partners in indoor air quality, might be the right fit for your design challenges, client’s ventilation concerns, or unique indoor air quality (IAQ) needs. This article explores energy recovery, custom air handling, desiccant dehumidification, and pool dehumidification.
Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) for Improved Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
A DOAS unit brings fresh outside air into a building to improve ventilation. A proper system will have a filtration system within the ductwork to remove any unwanted gasses and particles from the air before it is distributed, and even moved, throughout the spaces within the building. There are code requirements for ventilation, which are changing with the more we learn about airborne diseases and contaminants. This equipment also addresses humidity within a space, which is needed in an area like ours - the DMV. We are no strangers to humidity, but we will also go into desiccant humidity and pool humidity. The right application and equipment also reduce energy – which is where you may be able to take advantage of energy rebates and utility incentives. For systems that do not provide ventilation, such as radiant panels, chilled beams, or VRF systems, you can still leverage Innovent for your designs.

Energy Recovery Products inc. Enthalpy Wheel, Heat Pipe, Run-around Coils, Enthalpic Core Heat Exchangers, and Flat Plate Heat Exchangers
Innovent has been a leader in the industry for energy recovery since the 1980s. From the latest technology to the quality of the components and craftsmanship – reliability is just the start. “Units can be designed for the lowest first cost, lowest operating cost or lowest maintenance cost. We give you choices and don’t force you into one technology.”

Pool / Desiccant Dehumidification Products and Design Applications

As indoor water parks and competitive pools increase in our area, a healthy environment for both swimmers and guests is critical to health and comfort since these spaces are warm and humid by design – a recipe for mold, bacteria, and here… chloramines. “Chloramines that off-gas from the water are heavier than air. This means they settle on top of the water’s surface where they can cause negative health effects in swimmers and spectators” – The Centers for Disease Control (read more here).
Innovent systems aim at increasing airflow, improving dehumidification, and saving energy costs over alternative systems. Here’s a design guide on “Energy efficiency on indoor aquatic facilities” for those looking to get started or improve a facility (click here). Not only does the design make a huge impact, but so do the materials used in these spaces. More corrosion-resistant materials, such as aluminum, play a part.
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