High-Rise Medical Building
Chevy Chase, MD
In June 2017, a 169,800 square foot high-rise medical office building located in Chevy Chase, MD, was faced with the catastrophic failure of both aging Central Plant Chillers at the same time, shutting down all cooling on a hot summer day.
To keep the building tenants comfortable, immediate temporary cooling was required. Additionally, the owner wanted to develop a long-term strategy to improve reliability and efficiency of the building.
Boland was able to restore cooling within hours by installing a temporary chiller, providing immediate comfort to tenants. At the same time, Boland and the building owner collaborated to develop a long-term solution to meet their facility objectives.
To improve comfort for tenants and reliability of the cooling system, while at the same time reducing operational costs and reducing energy consumption, the Boland solution included:
Installing a rental chiller within hours to keep building occupants comfortable and safe
Replacing the existing failed chillers with High Efficiency Water-Cooled Trane© Chillers with a ten-year warranty
Upgrading the building automation system (BAS) and optimizing the building’s schedules and sequences
Upgrading the lighting system throughout the building and garage by replacing 660 T8 fixtures to LED fixtures
Obtaining utility rebates for energy efficiency projects for the client
Utilizing Boland’s Applied Building Insights (ABI) Service Agreement, continuously track energy savings and acting upon those insights to make ongoing improvements
As a result, tenants can reliably continue their mission, comfort has improved, and energy bills have drastically reduced. Boland continues to evaluate additional properties in the building owner's portfolio for areas of risk and potential for operational and energy savings.

The following results have been achieved:
Reliable HVAC systems, which fosters a safe, comfortable, and compliant indoor environment
34% reduction in electric consumption
$168,000 in electric savings