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Congratulations to Boland's 2022 Union School Graduates

Updated: Jun 8, 2022

June 2022

Congratulations to Boland's 2022 Union School Graduates! On Friday, June 3rd, Steamfitters Local 602 held the graduation for the class of 2022 at Martins Crosswinds in Greenbelt, Maryland. 165 new Journeymen and Journeywomen were presented with their certificates.

Boland had three graduates and four instructors present. Congratulations to Brad Bazzarre (Class Valedictorian), Jeremy Gainous, and Bryan Minetree for graduating this year. Special thanks to all of our instructors: Steve Barnes, Dale Best, Brad Graham, Allen King, and Damian Young. Joe Best, Dale Best's son, and Bryan Barnes, Steve Barnes' son, were also graduates this year.

What is the LOCAL 602 Apprenticeship Program? (Excerpt from Local 602 website) "The Apprenticeship program is a five year training program. Apprentices are assigned to a union contractor and work on assigned work sites, generally forty hours per week, depending on the job conditions and the economy. The apprentice is required to attend related training classes on Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Additional classes will be mandatory for first and second year apprentices on Saturdays as early as September and going through April. The apprentice is paid for hours worked on the job site but is not paid for attending related training classes. Accepted applicants will serve a one year probation period. The probationary apprentice who successfully completes the probationary period by meeting all obligations at assigned employment, in related training class and to the Local Union, will be initiated into the Local Union. Our apprentices are required to follow the UA Standards of Excellence. Our apprenticeship program has a strict attendance policy. Excessive absences could result in postponement of both monetary and academic advancement or possible termination from the program. In order to advance to the next level of training, the apprentice must successfully complete each class and maintain acceptable job site performance evaluations." Looking for a career in the HVAC industry? Click here for our open positions.

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