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Dehumidification in Today's Healthcare Facilities

Source: Engineered Systems Magazine

Dehumidification plays a major role in infection control, turnover time between operations, and patient recovery. Cost and energy efficient are not at the forefront.

It's no secret that operating rooms are known for wide swings in required room conditions. This article explores three dehumidification methods when determining the right design on future healthcare projects.

The article sets the design conditions for each option to establish two baselines of comparisons for the following:

  • Low-temperature DX dehumidification

  • Low-temperature glycol dehumidification

  • Desiccant dehumidification

“Surgeons or surgical procedures may require room temperatures, ventilation rates, humidity ranges, and/or air distribution methods that exceed the minimum indicated ranges.”

While ASHRAE Standard 170 establishes the standards and guidelines for HVAC systems pertaining to HVAC systems, these are just the minimums. The next step is 'calculate the OR sensible and latent loads.' One size (or standard) does not fit all.

There is continuous pressure to decrease turnover time, and this mandates complex analyses of the design.

Ask Boland how to design with flexibility and efficiency.

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