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24 Hour Emergency Services

Checklist to Reopen Your Building

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

As your business prepares to reopen, don't forget to prepare your building! This checklist will walk you through some of the things to think about. As always, Boland support is a phone call away (240) 306-3000.

Reopening with Partial Capacity

- Limit your machine capacity if you are not expecting full building capacity to save energy

Financing Question to Consider: Are you aware of new incentives to take advantage of?

Indoor Air Quality

- Consider UV lights, better filtration, and air cleaning products to improve air quality

- Increase outdoor air and ventilation

Startup Equipment Properly

- Understand your equipment maintenance and startup

- Start critical pieces first (ex. chiller and rooftop units) and confirm proper operation before starting supplemental equipment

- Observe equipment while running to ensure each piece is working properly before assessing the entire system

Rental Services

- Call Boland for rental services if you have equipment failure during your reentry and start up phase

- Prepare for an outage with a contingency plan

- Be prepared for an emergency or planned outage with Boland Rental Services

Tip: Provide masks and hand sanitizer to tenants upon arrival

Water Treatment

- Prevent Legionella bacteria and control scale and corrosion

- Test and treat HVAC water systems with inhibitors and biocides

- Consider cleaning and flushing cooling towers as necessary

Ability to Monitor Remotely

- Resolve issues with Remote Services to limit the number of people in your building

- Call the Smart Desk or ask your account executive how to benefit from remote help desk services

Perform Annual Maintenance

- Correct any lingering issues from last season to avoid major issues and start off on a good foot

Ready for Now. Resilient for Tomorrow. | (240) 306-3000 |

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