Tuesday, April 21

Manhattan Modular Chillers
Air-Cooled, Water-Cooled, Evaporative Condensing, and Split Systems
Scroll, Screw, and Oil-Free Magnetic Bearing compressor options
Free cooling options
Strainers serviceable while system is operational
Integrated pumping systems with constant or variable speed drives and controls to support variable primary systems
Heat recovery and simultaneous heating and cooling available in both water-cooled and the air-cooled models
Several low sound options available to meet specific job-site requirements

Learn more at https://www.arcticchillergroup.com/

Learn more at https://www.arcticchillergroup.com/
Oil-Free Magnetic Bearing Chillers

Air-Cooled independent circuit models from 60 to 440 tons
Water-Cooled models from 60 to 1,500 tons available with dual circuits
Free cooling, liquid pump, economizer, liquid subcooling and DX systems for ultimate energy efficiencies
Compressor specific Danfoss designed adaptive logic controller on all magnetic compressor chillers maximizes performance and reliability
Condensing unit available from 60 ton to 240 tons
Available with R-134a refrigerant with options for low GWP R-513A and HFO R-1234ze
Industrial Process Chiller Systems
Industrial Process Capabilities
Trane manufactures a wide variety of standard designs as well as custom chiller solutions for our clients. Trane’s diverse capabilities can fulfill virtually any request. Machine cooling, low-temp, pharmaceuticals, explosion-proof, chemical processing, high power equipment cooling, medical systems, and laboratories.
Engineered Packaged System
High Purity Drinking Water Systems
High-purity drinking water systems from Trane are in use at the US Pentagon, the White House and other critical facilities around the world. Features include double-wall heat exchangers, stainless steel tanks, all stainless steel construction, and a three-stage water filtration process.
Learn more at https://www.arcticchillergroup.com/